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viernes, 8 de febrero de 2008

Some great songs

These days we are talking about music and music genres in class.
You can watch videos from YouTube of some of my favourite songs below:

Country: Take me home, country roads (John Denver)
Heavy Metal: Highway to hell (AC/DC)
Pop: Let it be (The Beatles)
Soul: Wonderful world (Sam Cooke)
Classical: Four seasons (Vivaldi)
Folk: Blowin' in the wind (Bob Dylan)
Classic rock: Fallin in love with you (Elvis Presley)
Rock: The River (Bruce Springsteen)

Linking below you will find a little survey about Your preferences about music. Please, fill the form and we will check the results in class. Thank you.


1 comentario:

Garikoitz Oria dijo...

Aupa Norberto: Gari nahiz joan den urtean Sara Lopez-en ordezko Markinan ibili zen giputxa, gogoratzen? Lehenik eta behin gorantziak eman denori, Blanki, Umberto, Goreti,Jesus,Sara...

Ba oraingo hontan ni naiz Blogen munduan saltsan hasi dena. Izan ere egaratu-ko ikastaro bat egiten ari naiz Gorka Palaziorekin eta Blog bat sortu dut pasa den hilabeteetan. Bisitatu nahi baduzu helbidea honakoa da: garitxoenglish.blogspot.com

Ondo izan
