These days we are talking about music and music genres in class.
You can watch videos from YouTube of some of my favourite songs below:
Country: Take me home, country roads (John Denver)
Heavy Metal: Highway to hell (AC/DC)
Pop: Let it be (The Beatles)
Soul: Wonderful world (Sam Cooke)
Classical: Four seasons (Vivaldi)
Folk: Blowin' in the wind (Bob Dylan)
Classic rock: Fallin in love with you (Elvis Presley)
Rock: The River (Bruce Springsteen)
Linking below you will find a little survey about Your preferences about music. Please, fill the form and we will check the results in class. Thank you.
1 comentario:
Aupa Norberto: Gari nahiz joan den urtean Sara Lopez-en ordezko Markinan ibili zen giputxa, gogoratzen? Lehenik eta behin gorantziak eman denori, Blanki, Umberto, Goreti,Jesus,Sara...
Ba oraingo hontan ni naiz Blogen munduan saltsan hasi dena. Izan ere egaratu-ko ikastaro bat egiten ari naiz Gorka Palaziorekin eta Blog bat sortu dut pasa den hilabeteetan. Bisitatu nahi baduzu helbidea honakoa da:
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